2020 hasn’t been all bad, here’s 5 ways lockdown has changed online dating for the good. 

DIY, baking, and running, they’re just some ways we’ve been passing the time in 2020. But new research from Inner Circle suggests that’s not all we’ve been up to. They’ve reported that activity on dating apps has gone through the roof, with people swiping and matching like never before. Even the way that we date has changed, and it’s good news. 

Here’s what they’ve found:

People are spending more time on their profiles.

It’s a basic way to tell the time wasters from those serious about dating. If their profile isn’t filled in, they probably don’t care that much. But research suggests that this laziness could be a thing of the past, with more people spending time on their profiles than before the pandemic, on Inner Circle anyway. 


People swipe less, but match more.

It makes sense, well filled out profiles lead to more accurate matching. If you’re looking for someone who shares your taste in Netflix series, or a home cook to get creative in the kitchen with, you’ll find them faster. Inner Circle prides themselves on pushing users for detailed profiles, even helping out users by suggesting they add more details when they sign up.

People have more respect for others

It seems that the pandemic has taught people to be kinder online. Inner Circle have reported people are showing more respect for one another, so we could see some negative dating habits decreasing (ghosting, for example). 

People take chatting online more seriously 

Human connection, thats what it comes down to. After months of very limited social interaction it seems we’re all ready to meet new people and have conversations that actually go somewhere. Single people, now is your time! 


People actually want serious relationships 

Let’s be honest, spending as much time within our homes as we have recently has been a challenge. And for some, it’s meant that people want to find that special person they click with. People want dates that go somewhere. 

The dating experience has changed, and if you’ve not got involved yet it’s time to. Sign up for Inner circle here.
