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3 things single people can learn from Veganuary

It’s here. Veganuary. People all over the country are scouring the supermarket for a plant based cheese that actually melts on their pizza. Will they find it? Who knows. But what we do know is that January also happens to be the busiest month when it comes to dating. 

Wondering what these things have in common? It’s more than you think. Whether you’re trialing a new diet or out on a first date, you’re basically just working out whether something (or someone) new fits into your life right now. 

And that isn’t all. From keeping an open mind to accepting you won’t always get it 100% right, here are 3 lessons Veganuary can teach us about dating:  

1. Sometimes experts do know best   

Veteran vegans; the original plant based heroes. They’ve been there and done that. They know all the best restaurants and recipes, so ask them. And when it comes to dating, there are experts out there too. Enter Inner Circle. It’s the dating app with a team of real people behind the scenes working tirelessly to help you perfect your profile. They’ll send you tips and tricks when you sign up to ensure you’re giving yourself your best chance. And if this wasn’t enough,  they’re also busy blocking  any fake accounts that aim to waste your time. Thank you, profile Gods. 

2. An open mind is essential 

Meatless burgers? Scrambled tofu? Veganuary is all about keeping an open mind, just like dating is. Your perfect match could be waiting just outside your usual “type”, so take a chance on someone new. But, we get it. It’s daunting starting a conversation with someone who you wouldn’t usually go for.  This is where Inner Circle has your back. All members pack their profiles with loads of images and details (they’re made to when they sign up) so there’s plenty of material for you to slide into their DMs with.  

3. You won’t get it 100% right

Don’t beat yourself up if you give in to a bar of milk chocolate. Or some cheese. Or that tasty burger… It happens. Just like you shouldn't beat yourself up over one date that didn’t work out. Find the silver lining. With so many amazing first date venues in the discover section on Inner Circle, you’ve got plenty of bars and restaurants to work through. You can even match with other singles based on the places you want to go to. Send them a message and arrange to meet there; who knows where it might lead?

Sign up for Inner Circle now!