Front Row Life

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Mnemonic schmemonic: How an app for serious daters tackles the horrid FODA acronym head on.

Those on the dating scene haven’t had it easy during the past 18 months. What, with a global pandemic and endless lockdowns? Oh, and literal laws against hanging out with new people? All the new dating terms that have surfaced since 2020 have made this very apparent. Gone are the days of just catfishing. Now you have to try and comprehend if not navigate a dating world which includes ghosting, lovebombing, apocalypsing and more. 

We know the feeling. The cold sweat and the pit in your stomach. Empty dread follows as your phone flashes up another notification from someone you’re not interested in from a dating app that doesn’t care about you and you don’t even remember downloading. This feeling’s been neatly pigeon-holed into acronym purgatory as FODA - Fear Of Dating Again. 

What if we were to tell you there’s an app that’s doing things differently? This app’s got the tools to tackle this FODA nonsense in a dirty-direct way. It’s here to make dating something you actually want to do. Is that even possible? Read on.

Dare to step up your dating game?

If you’re serious about dating, there’s no better place to be than Inner Circle

  • All their members are screened when they join. This leads to higher quality profiles and decent images. Without tacky props and lads holding pints. 

  • Better still, everyone who joins the app takes a pledge to date better. This allows for a curated community of people you actually want to date who treat you with respect. Who could be the person to relieve you of your FODA? If only you’d known about the app before wasting hours of your life swiping through half-ass profiles. 

  • Once you’ve met your match, Inner Circle actively encourages you to take it offline. As well as listing out the best bars, clubs and restaurants in your area, it also hosts exclusive events for their members. Gone are the days of awkward speed-dating. We’re talking huge parties in exciting venues in your London Town. 

FODA? No, thanks. This app’s clear aim is improving the dating game, and it’s working. There are clear guidelines on what is expected from their members. This is crucial. Say bye to endless swiping and lacklustre conversation.

Sign up for Inner Circle now.